Saturday, 11 May 2013

A Month of Memories!

Spring has sprung and we have been busy with Impact Basketball, yard work and gardening.  A few weeks ago we tilled a portion of my organic garden and planted some spring produce, such as radish, spinach, kale, etc.  All of the spring flowers are blooming.  We picked mayflowers and dug wild leeks.  While picking we discovered a heap of dung and looked up to see the depositor, a large porcupine, above in a tree.  At school, the kids were excited to discover that the tulips that we planted had bloomed.  There is a mallard duck nesting in our school flower bed and each day the kids and I peek in hoping to see ducklings.  Last weekend, we drove to see Brock University campus.  It was lovely.  The grounds were well maintained and there were lots of flowers and bushes in bloom.  I think Adrian will be happy there!

Opening the garden!

Adrian the tiller!

Mom and son team plant for the future!

Wild leeks make great soup!

Dreaming of Brock, perhaps?

Ahh, the annual mayflower walk!

Prickly Porky!

Lots of fertilizer!

Mother Mallard!

Grade 4 Tulips!

Grews on the Path of Possibilities!

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