Sunday, 16 September 2012

September Hike!

On Saturday we went on a family hike in Frontenac Park, north of Kingston.  Every year Frontenac Provincial Park runs the Frontenac Challenge.  Participants are challenged to complete 11 trails, totalling 260 km, over the course of two months time.  My dad has completed the full challenge 14 times, my brother Dave, 5 times and I have completed it twice.  I won't be doing the full challenge this year as I am back to work and it is hard to squeeze it in on the weekends but I did complete it last year when I was on leave.  My dad will not complete the challenge, it has been a number of years since he has done so, but he will complete a number of trails and take part in the annual celebration at the end.  Dave has set his sights on a 6 year pin!

It was a beautiful day!  The sun came out and the temperature hovered around 18 degrees celcius.  Pat, Dave, Dad, Adrian and I had a nice time enjoying the green scenery and some quality time together.  At a few points on the trail, I got "sappier than a sugar maple", as I realized that this might be my last opportunity, for some time, to complete a September hike with my boy.  Next year at this time he will be off to university.  This year is destined to be a series of such moments.  Poor Adrian!

The hikers minus Pat, the photographer.

Rugged Trail

A Fine Young Man!

Brother Dave looks on!

Dave and Dad consult the map.

Nancy pulls a McGuinty!

Strike a Pose!

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